Donate to SOFA!

A charity that is reducing waste

and providing affordable pre-owned goods in Loughborough

Give your donation a boost with GIFT AID

Opening hours

Mon – Sat: 9am to 4pm

Furniture drop-off:

10am – 2pm

Donating furniture and other goods

To help the environment and reduce the amount of time our vehicles are on the road, and to help you donate to SOFA, we use following procedure for all goods donations:

  1. Get in touch to let us know what you want to donate and where you are located
  2. Send photos of the items (including the fire labels for soft furnishing)
  3. Agree a day and time for our drivers to visit you
  4. Ensure the items are outside or otherwise easily accessible on the day of collection
Some items have specific requirements for SOFA to be able to upcycle and recycle via our store.  Soft furnishings:
  1. Fire label
  2. No tears or cat scratches
  3. Clean and no stain
  4. Non faded

  1. doors, shelves or table tops must be toughened or have a Kite mark.

  1. Must have CE label
  2. Clean and without rust or mould
  3. Refrigeration items must have no missing/broken shelves or draws

When dropping off at our store, please ensure that your items meet the same conditions as above. When you arrive at SOFA please report to reception.  

Please note: When collecting or accepting goods at our store, we carry out an assessment of health and safety and whether or not the good(s) are re-useable. Following our assessment we may, at our sole discretion, reject some or all of the items.

Please speak to us if you need any assistance or clarification with our donation procedure.

Items we usually accept

This is not an exhaustive list so if your item is not listed, please do get in touch:

  • 3 piece suites, sofas and chairs (with fire safety labels)
  • Dining tables and chairs
  • Coffee tables, occasional tables
  • Small sideboards
  • Wardrobes and dressing tables
  • Bookshelves
  • Beds
  • Electric cookers
  • Washing machines
  • Microwaves
  • Electric heaters
  • Fridges
  • Freezers
  • Toasters and kettles

Items we don’t accept

We cannot accept any items that are stained, torn, worn out or considerably damaged.

There are certain items that we cannot accept for Health and Safety reasons and a few items we tend not to take because we have difficulty storing and selling them. These include:

  • Gas appliances
  • Tumble/condenser driers


Please contact us if you are unsure whether you can donate your item.

Gift Aid

Boost your donation with Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a UK tax incentive that encourages effective giving by individuals to UK charities and it applies to all donations of goods and money. Here’s how it works:

  1. When you donate to a charity, you can choose to opt into Gift Aid.

  2. By saying “yes” to Gift Aid, you allow the charity to claim tax relief on your donation.

  3. For every £1 you donate, the charity receives an additional 25p through Gift Aid.

  4. So, if you donate £10, SOFA receives at no extra cost to you.

  5. Higher and additional-rate taxpayers can benefit further. If you pay 40% or 45% tax, you can claim extra tax relief on top of what the charity has already reclaimed. For higher-rate taxpayers, this means an extra 20%, and for additional-rate taxpayers, it’s an extra 25%.

In summary, Gift Aid allows you to supercharge your charity donations, benefiting both you and us!

Say “Yes” to gift aid by completing the Gift Aid form:

Gift Aid Form

Suppliers of Furniture and Appliances

Company number: 02587766

Registered Charity No: 1002980

VAT No. 620 1958 60


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