Gift Aid

Boost your Donation with Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a UK tax incentive that encourages effective giving by individuals to UK charities and it applies to all donations of goods and money. Here's how it works:

  1. When you donate to a charity, you can choose to opt into Gift Aid.
  2. By saying "yes" to Gift Aid, you allow the charity to claim tax relief on your donation.
  3. For every £1 you donate, the charity receives an additional 25p through Gift Aid.
  4. So, if you donate £10, SOFA receives at no extra cost to you.
  5. Higher and additional-rate taxpayers can benefit further. If you pay 40% or 45% tax, you can claim extra tax relief on top of what the charity has already reclaimed. For higher-rate taxpayers, this means an extra 20%, and for additional-rate taxpayers, it's an extra 25%.

In summary, Gift Aid allows you to supercharge your charity donations, benefiting both you and us!

Say "Yes" to gift aid by completing the Gift Aid form:

* Required Field

Gift Aid Form

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